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News and Notes

30 September, 2019

Peg is moving to a new server! As part of the move, we have repaired this ancient website and, made the domain resolve properly again. Once more, you can connect via 4242.

19 August, 2011

We are down briefly for server maintenance. We should be back up sometime later today.

26 July, 2011

We have a scheduled downtime for Peg today. The server we run on is being upgraded. If all goes well, we should be back up later this afternoon. I have been updating the notify list for future use. If you want to be on the list, email me.

28 February, 2011

Following extended downtime at, we have Peg up and running (with the current DB) on (on good old port 4242). Thanks to Cerebus for the hosting and set up.

13 May, 2009

A Peg picnic in the Pacific Northwest (Pegnic in the PNW) is in the works for later this Summer. If you are interested in attending, logon and talk to PigGirl.

10 May, 2009

GIR, our handy wombat, is now an active Twit. Follow along via the pegasusmuck Twitter stream (RSS).

08 July, 2007

Peg has been down for a couple days due to a hardware issue with the server. We hope to be back up tomorrow (Monday).

01 March, 2006

And we're back!

27 February, 2006

The machine that hosts Pegasus is currently down. The appropriate parties are investigating. Check back here for updates or email Devlyn_Syde and ask to be added to the list of people to email when Peg comes back.

06 June, 2004

Tenebrius is running a google ad ($.50/day) and would like help writing the advertisement. Please #page mail him your suggestions.

The rules are first line 25 characters. This shows up as a clickable link 2nd 2 lines are max of 35 characters. 4th line is set as the url

| Pegasus: Chat and Explore
| Multiplayer social game.
| Free. Text only. No software needed

19 January, 2003

We now have a Java client for connecting to Peg from your web browser! There is a link on the Connecting page or you can give it a try from here.

20 February, 2002

Updated the link to Pueblo on the Connecting page. Chaco was acquired by Andromedia, which was acquired by Macromedia. In the process, Pueblo was released under the Andromedia Public License, a form of the Mozilla Public License.

24 July, 2000

We have added ASCII maps of the Romeo and Juliet book from the bookstore to the Maps page. Thanks to Xerces for the maps!
Added a map of The Great Mirror area, courtesy of its creators, to the Maps page.

23 July, 2000

Welcome to the new Pegasus web page. Enjoy. Please note that Peg's IP address recently changed. If you are having trouble connecting, please check the Connecting page.

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